August 14, 2024 2 min read

In a market where trends shift rapidly and copying is common, the true measure of a product's success lies in its originality and quality. Crafting a standout product takes more than just a good idea; it requires years of hard work, careful attention to detail, and a strong commitment to excellence.

Recently, our product, Jake, was copied by major brands like Amazon Basics, and Strapvilla. They not only copied our design but also our product images, simply changing the color of the shoe used as a prop. This level of copying highlights just how influential and desirable our design has become. While copying might seem like an easy shortcut, it falls short of the deep innovation and craftsmanship that make our original product exceptional. This blog explores why genuine originality and quality matter so much and how they set the standard, even in a market full of duplicates.

Why Original Products Are Better
1. Years of Effort
Creating an original product is more than just coming up with a great idea. It involves years of hard work, research, and innovation. Teams spend countless hours designing, testing, and perfecting their products. They carefully select materials, understand user needs, and create many prototypes to ensure the final product is top-notch. This dedication results in something unique and valuable that often sets new industry standards.

2. Unmatched Quality
Quality is what makes a product durable and effective. It’s about using the best materials and paying close attention to how the product is made to ensure it lasts and performs well. While others might copy how a product looks, they often can’t match the same level of quality. The original product is crafted with precision and care, making it reliable and long-lasting. Imitations might look similar but usually don’t perform as well or last as long.

3. Superior Craftsmanship
Craftsmanship is the skill and attention to detail that go into making a product. An original design is carefully made with attention to every detail—from stitching to finishing touches. This high level of craftsmanship ensures that the product is not only visually appealing but also functional and well-made. Imitators often miss these finer details, resulting in a less polished and lower-quality product.

4. Driving Innovation
Original products set new trends and push boundaries. When others copy, it shows that the original is leading the way. This kind of competition drives further innovation and improvement. Brands that are first to innovate often set new standards and inspire others, rather than just following trends.

Originality and quality are more than just appealing traits; they are essential for building a successful and trustworthy brand. Creating something original involves years of hard work, from meticulous design and material selection to understanding user needs and perfecting every detail. Although copying a design might seem like a quick fix, it cannot replicate the years of effort and high standards that go into an original product. Seeing others replicate our designs is a form of validation that we are on the right track and doing something remarkable. We view this as a testament to our influence and healthy competition that drives us to keep innovating and enhancing our offerings. By choosing originality, you ensure superior quality, innovation, and long-term value—setting yourself apart from the rest.